Trump Appears to Have Lost a Total Grasp on Things


  1. Seems like Trump’s really struggling with focus lately; it’s wild how he can mix up states and names like that and still get applause!

  2. They’re leaving your rallies and tiny gatherings, Donald. Better just give’m the “Make America Great Again” and GTHO like you said.

  3. So! He matches his supporters who have ALSO lost a grip on reality.

    Keep talking to friends and neighbors folks – listen well, don’t expect them to see the truth quickly. Be gentle, expect this to take several conversations. It takes a lot to deprogram a cult member. We can do this!!

  4. Please let him implode 7-10 days before the election. It needs to be not too close to Election Day so that the conspiracy theories have time to die off a bit, but close enough such that Republicans feel deflated and don’t vote.

  5. I’ve seen headlines like this every few days for years now. Yet it won’t have any effect on his political career. As other have pointed out, this is the Republicans’ only candidate. They’ve spent years undermining and destroying anyone that could cast a shadow on him and now they’re stuck with a 80 years old babbling idiot. Their only hope is that he’d keep from shitting in public before they can obtain their political goals.

    I for one don’t feel the least amount of pity for either Trump or those who enabled him.

  6. The Big Grift is coming to an end folks…how will red necks and business men be able to social media after this

  7. I’m not terribly young and have known a lot of elderly relatives. Trump is in terrible shape for his age and is visibly getting worse. Based on mental acuity if you told me he was closer to 90 than 80 I’d find it more believable.

  8. I remember not so long ago when Biden was “too old” and “has no idea what’s going on” and “has dementia”.

  9. What things?
    Trump had zero to say and offer-a puppet and speaking toy for the billionaires and SCOTUS needing a corrupt POTUS.

    What we are witnessing is America normalizing a Republican trump card-like he was ever a real contender with real policies, plans and long term goals to better America.

    This is AmeriKKKa trying to be great again !
    Nothing of substance but threats, chaos, corruption and falsehoods.

  10. Yep because of the media and two party political money making machine he’s still in the race and polling within the margin of error in swing states that will ultimately determine the election.

  11. So you think this even matters? Trump is just the face. He stands for fear of the browning of America. That’s all that matters. That is the only thing his followers care about is the fear of the browning of America.

  12. “Trump didn’t bother to correct his mistake, and the crowd clapped anyway.”

    Time for your quadrennial performance review America. You suck at your job of being citizens choosing leaders. Your coworkers are laughing at how stupid you are. We’d like to fire you but your dad set up the company so you are always in charge just enough to fuck things up for the rest of us.

  13. Traditional_Key_763 on

    doesn’t matter, if he has a pulse in November and people elect him, he’s the president.

    he didn’t have a grasp on anything before and the US suffered for it.

  14. IPA__________Fanatic on

    When he has to juggle a 100 different lies, that’s taxing as a 78 year old. I can see why simple things like where you were for the day could be hard to remember