Latest poll shows that only 18.8% of Turkish people pray 5 times a day and 36.7% only on special days (ramadan eid etc), while 44.5% never prays at all.

Posted by evdekiSex


  1. BlissfulSensations on

    Why is it important for us to know 

    I make satanic rituals once a month if anyone asked btw 

  2. Intelligent-Rip-184 on

    Turks have become disillusioned with religion because they have seen the disgrace under the political Islamic mismanagement. Turkey is a country with great potential and a beautiful country, but it is being governed terribly badly. We, the well-educated and qualified Turkish youth, do not know what to do. I am stating this as an academic.

  3. I’m always glad to read anything that shows that a majority of people is not too utterly brainwashed into religions of any kind.

    So glad for those who are religious in a relaxed way