I hate socialism for others but I love it for myself. I’m not weird or hypocrite.

Posted by Lifehater007


  1. People in Dem cities should remember Trumps threat to California that money to fight fires could be held up unless their leaders kiss Trumps ass.

    >“If he doesn’t sign those papers, we won’t give him money to put out all his fires,” Trump said. “And, if we don’t give him the money to put out his fires. He’s got problems. He’s a lousy governor.”


    Florida is lucky the current administration isn’t full of psychos.

  2. BringBackApollo2023 on

    Of course.

    Climate change is bullshit other than storms getting bigger faster and everything else science says. Now pass me another confederate flag and a Trump belt buckle.


  3. Quirky-Country7251 on

    and ironically there is nothing wrong with federal aid in a fucking disaster. that is literally their fucking job and if you have a job you PAY TAXES to the federal government under the agreement that when shit hits the fan your money comes back to help your community when it needs it. I don’t care if they are maga fucks, I don’t want them to die or get no help…I’ll have plenty of time to make fun of their views later when they say dumbass shit but they are still Americans and I am an American and we take care of our people because if we don’t we aren’t a country.