Every day I collect many headlines, but publish few. Here is a collection of everything for those who want to see a little more.


Justice sentences ‘the coke waitress’ to six years in prison with a 25-year ban

They find a man dead in a gas station on Santa Coloma Avenue

Assandca regrets the Government’s inaction regarding the proposed law on the right to be forgotten in health care

Projecte Vida celebrates the Health campaign, but claims the lack of suggested changes

Feminist Action demands health coverage for women who want to have an abortion outside of Andorra

‘El cirque de los joguines’ by Daniel Andreas makes the Fontetes audience vibrate


Sentenced to six years in prison and a fine of 40,000 euros ‘the coke waitress’ from Pas de la Casa

Departure agreed at the general management of Pal-Arinsal

Rajoy, Fernández Díaz or Pino will have to give explanations to Congress for the ‘Operation Catalonia’

Chain Ser Andorra:

Feminists once again demand the legalization of abortion in Andorran territory

Arrested for drunk driving, with two minors and after causing an accident

The association agreement has the support of the States with which the Government has met at the UN

The municipality of Encamp approves the allocation of the new camp for an amount of 3.5 million

We buy:

Som Veïns sees with good eyes a referendum if abortion is not compatible with the Co-Principate

Arrested for throwing a chair at another man in an argument over ten euros

Arrested for carrying a razor after disturbing the customers of a bar in Encamp

They find a dead person at a gas station in the capital


Feminist Action criticizes the SIAD and wants abortion with health coverage in Andorra

The Lauredian pointe art exposed

Six years in prison for the drug waitress

Turisme is working to open up to new markets such as Brazil, Mexico and Colombia

Andorrà Town:

Spot points out to the UN that Palestine cannot be considered a state

(video) A dozen smugglers are recorded in the Pass carrying bags towards the mountain

‘In Andorra, immigration has always been controlled’

Som Veïns proposes a referendum in case abortion and the Coprincipate are not compatible

(video) The first snowflakes arrive at Pas de la Casa

A drunk man disturbs the customers of a bar in Encamp and ends up arrested for carrying a 9-centimeter blade razor

Hi han més articles avui -09/28/2024. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat…
byu/apocalypse_then inandorra

Posted by apocalypse_then

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