Trump declines to withdraw his endorsement of “Black Nazi” Mark Robinson


  1. OppositeDifference on

    Good. May he serve as an anchor tied around Trump’s neck in November.

    Hopefully the 47 or so remaining black people voting for Trump are paying attention.

  2. The GOP didn’t disown him either. They used the scandal as an excuse to pull of their money from him and his campaign that was already going terribly and divert it to other targets that have a better chance to win. It was a strategic choice to make more efficient use of their money, but with the exception of Lindsay Graham, nobody has publicly disowned him or distanced himself politically. They don’t have an issue that he’s a nazi, they don’t even care enough to pubicly pretend that they’re trying to distance from him politicaly, they only care that he’s losing. They don’t give a fuck about anything else

  3. I don’t see how this doesn’t hurt him in NC.

    Mark Robinson serves as a really negative example of who a modern Republican is – a Trump-endorsed Republican.

    The Harris campaign can capitalize on that by confronting voters with the side by side of Josh Stein and Mark Robinson. Part of Harris’ challenge in states like NC will be overcoming people’s perception of Democrats and not wanting to be associated with voting for a Democrat.

    Across the battleground states, there are competent, capable, *normal* Democrats elected to statewide office. In many of these states, there are current or recent examples of absolutely deranged Republican candidates for office. The Harris campaign needs to connect the dots for voters that they already know who Democrats are: they’re Josh Stein, Josh Shapiro, Roy Cooper, Mark Kelly, Raphael Warnock, Big Gretch and they already know who Republicans are: Mark Robinson, Kari Lake, JD Vance, *Donald Trump*.

    Make them confront that Donald Trump actively supports these people making a mockery of their States, the very people they have voted against or plan to vote against. By contrast, make them confront that Kamala Harris works closely with these popular Democratic state officials – she has longstanding relationships with Cooper, Shapiro, and Beshear from their AG days, for example.

    She needs to find a way to convince people that if they’re voting for Gallego, they should consider voting for her; if they’re voting for Stein, they should consider voting for her.

  4. TruthExecutionist on

    I cannot wait for the day we don’t have to hear about this orange traitorous pig anymore.

  5. But why would he? I mean they pretty much have similar thought processes. Only difference is that Robinson laid it out in black and white (pun intended) on a porn site, got caught, and his campaign was set on fire

    On the other hand, Trump… yup, don’t matter. Polls are tied :/

  6. fellowuscitizen on

    Trump is a nazis white-supremacist and Robinson doesn’t seem to care about how he fits into the white-supremacist part of it.

  7. The fact that he wasn’t culled by the Republicans for wanting to fuck trans people is… baffling. Not even George Santos could pull that off.

  8. I was under the impression from headlines recently that the Trump campaign already withdrew it’s endorsement, what did I miss?

    Also now even more conservatives will stay home, my aunt jumped off the Trump Train a while back but was going to leave President blank and vote red down ticket but now she’s not even going to vote

  9. Venturis_Ventis on

    Orange Nazi declines to withdraw his endorsement of Black Nazi.

    Nazis must be put back in the sewers of history, where they belong. Fuck them.

  10. Stupid move. Robinson is even more toxic than the Orange Menace. Now he can’t distance himself from Robinson and the ads tying Robinson to Trump ring even more true.

    Trump will lose North Carolina, and it is 100% his own fault.

  11. Thinking about jumping over to some conservative forums and asking for opinions on this. Love watching the mental gymnastics they do to rationalize every single time they ignore their high and mighty morals

  12. welltimedappearance on

    > “Are you going to pull your endorsement of Mark Robinson?” a reporter asked Trump on Thursday. The Republican nominee responded with feigned ignorance: “Uh, I don’t know the situation.”

    You can always tell Trump is lying because he speaks

  13. EyeSuspicious777 on

    This makes sense. He gains no votes by disavowing a Nazi, and only risks losing Nazi votes.

  14. Earlier in the week there was a piece making it seem like they withdrew the endorsement with zero from Trump’s mouth when it was not the case at all

    >”The Republican nominee responded with feigned ignorance: “Uh, I don’t know the situation.”

    Amazing how the guy who knows claims to know everything doesn’t know about a gubernatorial candidate in a key state who he compared to MLK Jr doesn’t know about this. Must be working really hard on that concept of a healthcare plan

    Seriously think there’s a good chance that this is a boulder being tossed on a pool float trying not to sink. If Trump loses NC he will have to make a lot of ground up in states he lost in 2020.

  15. If anyone ever though he’d withdraw support after already giving support, then you’re new to the game of trump…in the face of evidence that he made a mistake, he just doubles down. He gaslights and continues on the path he sets…he goes on the offensive and refuses to admit he’s wrong. That’s his style…quit pretending it’s new each time.