Anytime a Republican loses an election:

Posted by AggressivelyProgress


  1. “You can’t just say election fraud and expect anything to happen.”

    “I didn’t say it. I declared it.”

  2. They are already claiming fraud before the election so they can say: see, told you so when they lose

  3. When they convince their base that illegal immigrants are voting in large numbers, they can use this excuse and it works for them to receive more money from their own base.

    Right now the GOP operates like this:

    Step 1: Run and ask for money to take America Back

    Step 2: Explain to base that illegals are voting

    Step 3: Win/Lose blame it on illegals

    Step 4: Keep collecting checks

    Trump and his cronies have put together a idiot proof plan on how to profit off of the GOP/MAGA base.

  4. Rigged only for the Losers. All the winners were legit. Even if the bottom ticket folks were winners and the top ticket douche canoe lost. Somehow the Libruls were only smart enough to rig the top of the ticket and not down ballot.

  5. a_casual_observer on

    Some of them have said that the way they will know if it was rigged is whether or not Trump gets elected.