EU seeks to put brakes on China’s fast fashion online retailers Shein, Temu

Posted by giuliomagnifico


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >Officials are studying a range of actions including the possibility of introducing customs duties on items that fall below the €150 (US$167) value threshold at which import taxes are applied.
    >The European Commission has also considered punitive action against the transport subsidies received by Chinese operators, which allow goods to be sent at a low cost by air cargo from China to quickly meet booming consumer demand, according to people familiar with the internal thinking.

  2. The EU should make their own online retailers but are a bunch of cowards who only block things that treath a market they never cared.

  3. dat_9600gt_user on

    I heard Temu straight up does unauthorised credit cards payments.

    I hope it’s just a rumour though.

  4. I’m honestly surprised people actually buy this incredibly cheap sketchy garbage. Like I look at those ads and obviously waaaay too cheap to be true listings and think “I’m not giving them my payment details”

  5. It’s like Europe cannot have the initiative in almost anything, even the question of these fast fashion retailers is raised only after the US did it.