They’re actually trump supporters but too embarrassed / cowardly to say so and claim they are undecided.

Posted by Bursickle


  1. MAGA supporters view the choice differently than the rest of us. For them, it is a choice between:

    1. Make the people we hate eat glass

    2. Allow the people we hate to benefit from social services

  2. Yep! If you are undecided after everything the Nazi party has done, you are a Nazi. Plain and simple. 

  3. stray_snorlax44 on

    Have you not volunteered for any campaigns tjis cycle? There are most definitely undecided voters

  4. This is why the polls are BS, so many Trumpers either too embarrassed or lie, they are cagey fucks.

  5. Correct. I believe most polls have “independents” as voting for the right the vast majority of the time. Which means they aren’t independent, they are just cowards.