The meeting between Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Donald Trump has started in New York.

Posted by UNITED24Media


  1. Oh for fucks sake. That’s Donald’s “I’m going number two’s in my pants.” face. As an American, I wholeheartedly apologize to Zelensky on behalf of 40% of my country being dumber than anyone could possibly imagine.

  2. Fuck sake, the shit Zelensky has to put himself through just to get help for his country. How the fuck is he going to persuade trump that helping Ukraine is better than sucking Putin off every day.

  3. The sewage you have to wade through when you choose certain jobs… Hope Zelenskyy  kept his vomit bag from the plane ride over, and his dementia translator is top tier.

  4. Yes yes here is our victory plans, we’ve taken the liberty of translating them into Russian for you.

  5. Shocking that he has to even ask for help never mind beg for it … and beg a private citizen at that !

  6. Few-Worldliness2131 on

    It’s clear that Trump doesn’t have an original idea, if indeed any ideas, in his head, so who’s talking into his ear and planting these pro Russian policies? Just who behind the scenes is telling him what to say?

  7. I feel bad for Zelenskyy having to listen to Trumps nonsense, it’s only ridicolous accusations/promises taken right out of his ass, “I’m going to end the war, n stuff”.

  8. Why,why,why. Why didn’t that rat face Trump turn down the meeting. Why couldn’t he be a man for once in his god damn life and just say no. Everyone knows he’s Putin’s sock puppet and he’s going to stick it to Ukraine the first chance he gets, but no he has to put Zelensky through this humiliating phony charade.

  9. Miserable_Ad5001 on

    I really wish Zelenskyy wasn’t meeting that fucking cancer. Trump is a “private citizen” & shouldn’t be in any discussion with any head of state

  10. Shidd-an-Fard-d on

    I don’t think trump knows how to pronounce Zelensky’s name. Every time he referred to him he just called him “president” or “the president”

    When he made his little campaign speech talking about Biden and Zelensky he threw so many ambiguous “president”s around, tripped over his own words and got lost.

  11. Imagine the smell in that room from that shitbag trump. Hope Big Z doesn’t tell this Russian asset too much. He is too smart for that.

  12. I think this is the final realization for Zelensky that the only solution is to make Ukraine self-sufficient on all levels.

    You just can’t be running around pleading with people. F that. Ukrainians are smart enough to build their own industries.

    The only thing stopping this from happening is the deeply rooted soviet culture of corruption, that is being (slowly) removed.

    Ukrainians need to FEEL like they live in a fair system.

  13. I hope he brings his own food and water…

    I don’t think Trump would try to axe Zelenskyy, but the Z’s I am sure know the exact location of this meeting and are likely listening in.

    They would 💯 try to take out Selenskyy

  14. Numerous-Log9172 on

    Trump is not president and he is highly unlikely to become president, and with d.dump rhetoric on the situation I’m even more confused at this meeting!

  15. This is horrible because it implies Trump might be president again. US is full of retards I swear

  16. Sweaty-Feedback-1482 on

    I understand that Zelenskyy has to hedge his bets on the election… goddamn this is a lot for a man to deal with who has already shown so much strength and bravery.

    Ultimately, meeting with Trump is a facade though. Trump is 1000% owned by Putin and as such there is very little to gain here.

    The pee tape is real and there isn’t a single shred of Trumps actions that say otherwise

  17. The whole reason they gave there weapons up is because Obama … my family lives there most of Ukraine are not fans of liberal policy, in fact most declare the invasion never would have happened in the first place if trump was president, the people of Ukraine are very smart the only reason they fu k with the libs it because they supply weapons .. if trump was president he would have squeezed natos balls years ago to accept Ukraine.. instead the people of Ukraine are used as a blood cow for the liberals and nato who stand by to watch Ukraine bleed and there men die by the thousands fighting off millions.. liberal politicians are not the friends of Ukraine but are using them..

    Look how much the democrats have invested in?