Yesterdays University Lunch at my uni in Spain ❤️ 3,5€

Posted by Willing_Werewolf_325


  1. dendrocalamidicus on

    The dessert looks like a single digestive biscuit floating in a bowl of custard.

    As a Brit, I could get behind that.

  2. Sir_Henry_Deadman on

    I know Chicken, roll and pepsi… the rest is causing a deep redundant British gene to want to ask for Chips loudly and slowly in English

  3. Spanish food is tasty, I’ll give them that. But fried, refried, oily and not a fresh vegetable on sight, as a Portuguese, I get constipated just looking at that food

  4. SeveralEggplant2001 on

    Granada by any chance? Reminds me of the Canteen of some friends who did their Erasmus there

  5. Bigger wage in Spain, food cheaper and better looking.

    Portugal canteen you pay 5 euros or more for that

  6. Leading_Flower_6830 on

    Still amazes me how almost all countries in EU manage to have on average similar quality universities to UK while also keeping them free and even paying you to study there sometimes.