Elon Musk has gained a concerning level of power over US national security



  1. A man like Musk having any power over literally anything is terrifying. This dude would be a nightmare scenario for managing an Arby’s.

  2. Yo Kamala, I’m sure you already have a crack team assembling all the Intel and resources necessary to stop the existential threat that Musk presents.
    As many others have already pointed out, giving this mentally ill individual the kind of authority and power that he’s already ascertained, is extremely dangerous to American National Security interests and those of the world at large. It’s going to make us rethink our strategies going forward when we award contracts to individuals or companies that aren’t focused on the big picture of world security and geopolitical balance.

  3. This is one time that I’m confident someone is doing something behind the scenes about it, and we will learn later what that is. The breaches we are seeing from Elon are too big to be ignored.

  4. We have a military for a reason.

    Have a couple agents wake him up in the middle of the night for a chat, and watch how private he gets all of a sudden.

  5. He’s an addict suffering from a mid-life crisis. Put simply; he’s both mentally & emotionally unstable.

  6. Has the US ever nationalized assets such as massively beneficial as starlink? I haven’t done any research into this .. and I runs counter to the laissez faire nature of American capitalism … but it’d be a good solution to this issue

  7. Wasn’t it just reported that Ukraine found Russian drones with Starlink? Musk restricted Ukraine from using Starlink for attacks against Russia in Crimeria.

    Also, we have recently seen modified Cybertrucks used by the Russian army in Ukraine.

    He is a traitor, nationalize all of it, we paid for it through subsidies anyway.

  8. EnvironmentalEffort on

    Power’s why he bought ex-Twitter. It certainly wasn’t for monetary profit seeing how Musk was literally telling “fuck you” to his advertisers.

  9. apeshit_is_my_mood on

    I really don’t understand what he’s trying to do with all the fucking around of late. It’s all bigger than one man, even if he’s the richest of all.

  10. “ SpaceX and its Starlink system have become strategically critical to the American military. Starlink is providing connectivity to the US navy. The US space force signed a $70m contract with SpaceX late last year for military-grade low-Earth-orbit satellite capabilities. According to Reuters, the National Reconnaissance Office, which oversees US spy satellites, has a $1.8bn contract with SpaceX.”

    Why the f*** did the US sign this? Musk has been cheering for the downfall of the US for quite a time now and he has been shilling for Russia for the same amount of time now.

    If any white supremacist, anti-USA, anti-democracy theory conspiracy takes foot in the internet, or any information that might weaken America socially, musk if the first one to peddle it and make sure that everybody hears it. 

    With all this in mind, who was the genius who saw all that and thought “yeah we should depend on this guy for our national security”?

    If the US is ever in a war vs Russia or maybe even China, you can bet your ass musk is gonna fuck with starlink and also give the enemy vital information. This is the dumbest thing I have heard in YEARS.

    Did Trump do this?

  11. Outrageous-Book9799 on

    Joe Biden need to take Elon camping and buy him ice cream. Seems desperate for fatherly approval.

  12. Never get confused. If the shit hits the fan, Elon will immediately be inconsequential, and any “control” he has will be in the hands of the US government.

  13. Dapper-Percentage-64 on

    America’s most ungrateful immigrant, absolutely determined to make his new home a shit hole

  14. Pleasant-Purpose-648 on

    Letting this man have so much control over national security is a huge letdown of government agencies. They know he’s a possible Russian asset and conspirator, so what gives?

  15. Merrick Garland should turn in his resignation and Biden should accept it. The man has been totally useless as AG.

  16. No_Material5630 on

    A private civilian shouldn’t be involved in such things to begin with.

    Government lost their minds counting all the dollars just to realize they given away our country to idiots 

  17. illjustputthisthere on

    This is what happens when you abdicate progress to the wealthy/corporations instead of taxing them and doing it within the national government

  18. enlightened-badass on

    He needs to be thoroughly investigated and then sent packing. He has become a liability to US democracy.

  19. Elon Musk’s growing influence over U.S. national security, particularly through ventures like SpaceX and Starlink, raises important questions about the concentration of power in private hands. While his innovations have advanced tech and defense capabilities, increased oversight and accountability are crucial to prevent over-reliance on any single entity.

  20. It’ll be fine. He’s not at all a force for chaos and self enrichment at the expense of the citizens of this country.

  21. Flat-Impression-3787 on

    The Ukrainians found Starlink tech in downed Russian drones. That’s treason. Lock him up.

  22. This is the monster you helped create by loosening anti-trust laws and pushing deregulation since the 1950s.