
Posted by catchtheaman


  1. > Parming Israel

    Were they for or against Parming Israel? If we gave everyone over there a good Parmi, maybe things would settle down.

  2. Are they under some illusion the Qld govt is behind all this? By all means have compassion but be practical with what you want out of it

  3. Ok-Improvement-6423 on

    Israel is so fucking stupid. They will never win if their only move is war. Especially war with no concern for collateral damage (killing innocent civilians).

  4. The other billion Israel protests around the world didn’t work but I’m sure this will be the one!

  5. Instead of using tax payers money to patrol and ensure nothing violent happens. Why not use that tax payer money to send a handful of them over there to protest, livestream it and see how that goes?

    I’d watch that.

  6. donkeynutsandtits on

    I’d be perfectly happy to never again hear of the goings-on in the Middle East. We have plenty of our own problems here to keep us occupied.

  7. Maybe I don’t know how these things work but what the fuck does a protest in Brisbane have to do with shit going on in the middle east. It won’t make a lick of difference

  8. wow I thought I was cynical but this thread puts me to shame… they’re protesting genocide. go back to netflix and stfu