Trump’s already massive New York civil fraud penalty has grown by $24M in interest ahead of a Thursday court showdown


  1. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 81%. (I’m a bot)
    > The small fortune Donald Trump owes the state of New York has grown at breakneck speed, rising by another $1 million in interest every nine days as the former president appeals the $454 million civil fraud judgment set by a Manhattan judge back in February.

    > Winning would mean Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., and Eric Trump would no longer face being banned for two years from running Trump Org or any other business in New York state.

    > By appealing, Trump has kept all of these fraud punishments on ice, with the exception of the Trump Org monitoring, which is ongoing.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694433 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **appeal**^#2 **New**^#3 **York**^#4 **million**^#5

  2. “Oh man if you don’t pay I’m gonna write a bigger number on this piece of paper!!! I swear!”

    What a joke. Why not liquidate his properties from the start if no check is cut, why are you just adding interest in the first place without doing anything?

  3. ImaginationBig8868 on

    I literally forgot this happened. I feel bad for any future biographers of Trump— you could write a whole book for every week of this trainwreck’s life

  4. Part of their strategy is to not pay any of it so they can say to the appeals court, Look how much it is, it’s unfair!

  5. Psychprojection on

    Trump ain’t going to pay

    Stop waiting for payment

    Jail him like the blindfolded Lady Justice would do