Dan Andrews to get statue, only fifth Victorian Premier to be bestowed the honour | news.com.au



  1. therockscousin1 on

    Love him or hate him… You have to admit he won’t be forgotten anytime soon.. I don’t even know the new premieres name

  2. Suspiciousbogan on

    cooker seething.

    but also on a serious note , politicians should not be getting statues. Unless they make some actual serious progress like freeing the slaves type of deal.

    But being a premier during covid lowers the bar so much. yeah cant see this as a good idea.

  3. Turning this down would be such an easy way to score a massive amount of points. I know he’s not in politics anymore so wouldn’t benefit that way, but if he said no to the statue then people who hate him will agree with him doing so and people who like him will think he’s humble and blah blah blah. Doesn’t really lose anything and his image/memory is boosted.

  4. Puzzleheaded-Eye9081 on

    That’s hilarious. I mean, it’s a waste of money and if I were him I’d say no thank you, but it’s still funny.

  5. robopirateninjasaur on

    Can the vic government please find some other Jeff Kennett to unveil the statue and put “unveiled by Jeff Kennett” on the plaque

  6. Fuck it. He stood up every single day for six months in front of Murdoch media abs answered every single asinine question.


  7. total_kneepocalypse on

    Forecast cost of $1.6m but by the time it’s all done if we keep it under $3.4m we’ve done well. Only union labour allowed to build. New tax introduced to pay for it.