As Daniel Andrews gets immortalised in bronze a year after retiring, will obsessed critics ever get over him? | Victorian politics

Posted by Undetriginta


  1. Why is money being spend on statures of ANY living politician of any persuasion? If they are dead, sure, maybe. But they are still alive and you could run into them down the street. Why the hell is a statue even needed.

  2. I think it’s only fair that Jeff Kennett unveil the statue as it’s his policy that has brought this about.

  3. The one thing I admire about Andrews is his ability to break the brains of the people who hate him. Some of them will be along soon to tell us that he ‘destroyed’ Victoria.

    Anyway, this is just a Kennett era holdover. Probably should’ve been done away with in, yknow, the past 24 years but who really cares.

  4. I cannot fathom why we are spending another cent on him or any other politician

    We are in debt as a state , without any explanation from Pallas on when and how it can be paid off.

    These politicians have no respect for managing our tax paid funds.

  5. Haters need someone to hate. Sky News will need someone to talk about once the US election is over.

  6. Put your stupid statue up. He was a shit premier and it’s fitting that he will end up getting covered in pigeon shit.