Orbán aide faces backlash for saying Hungary wouldn’t have fought a Russian invasion


Posted by A_Lazko


  1. If any politician in the US said this, I’d be demanding their execution.

    Not removal from office. Not imprisonment. Execution.

    That ought to be a universally Treasonous statement, in any part of the world. Anywhere.

    Saying you would not resist an intrusion on your borders from a hostile foreign adversary is cartoonishly cowardly, or evil, or both. Even more so that this man would 99.9% love for that to happen and there’s no guarantee he isn’t actively working behind the scenes to facilitate this “hypothetical” from taking place one day. When someone in a position of power says something like this, it necessitates investigation into their Interests, connections, etc.

  2. This is Orbán Balázs, Orbán Viktor’s assistant. He makes O1G (Orbán Egy G*ci = Orban is a cunt) to O2G because like the SW meme, now there’s two of them. Being treasonous pigs.

  3. Orbán, 1989: “Ruski go home!”

    Orbán & Co, 2024: “Ruski pls come back”

    Spineless swine

  4. In addition to the straightforward message he stated, he also used a more subtle choice of word, referring to a president “leading their country to a war of defence”… That’s a way of insinuating that the president trying to defend their country is responsible for the war, not the president who initially ordered 190 000 troops to try to take over their neighbouring country and has kept pushing more and more troops in. Trying to blame those who defend themselves, basically.

  5. Imagine you’re so spiteful about your political opponents, you’re publicly saying you’d surrender quickly, when attacked by an enemy.