1. > Pichai said Google made a commitment to operate with carbon-free energy by 2030, but that goal was set before the “current AI moment.” He said the short-term race to develop new AI models, including “inefficiently pre-training these models,” makes meeting the energy goal “challenging.”

    These climate pledges were already almost entirely meaningless anyway, but now they’re just straight up admitting that they’re willing to push them aside simply for business reasons.

    This was always a fair assumption to make about for-profit corporations, but that doesn’t make it any less horrible to hear being said out loud.

  2. Sensitive-Cat-6069 on

    What AI lol? No skin off Apple’s back to make this claim! Straight up acknowledging how far behind industry leaders they really are.

  3. Like all big tech, they just plan to greenwash. The moment they moved the industry more and more away from repairability to soldered and locked down components already shows their stance

  4. Like with most things with Apple, it’s marketing. They know they can, and will likely, adjust later.