Ukrainian unit commander predicts drone warfare will be truly unmanned in a matter of months and won’t need human pilots

Posted by Aggravating_Set_8861


  1. Capable-Foundation58 on

    Concerning for civilians in the vicinity.

    Should we remove all camo’, olive and beige from our wardrobes?

    Will combatants start wearing board shorts and Hawaiian shirts?

  2. Oh my God. Skynet is bearing down on us like a freight train headed down grade with a load of steel and no brakes.

  3. Give-Yer-Balls-A-Tug on

    There is an interesting moral question. Should war require a human connection to it? On one hand it’s not the best thing to traumatize an entire generation of young men. But on another removing ourselves from killing humans by having everything automated just seems wrong somehow.

  4. I fear this will get out of hands very quick. For the Russians. Videos like automatic parking with cars. Just with a nice boom in the end. Madyar`s Birds will make the US Air Force proud and control this sh*t like Maverick. AI US Military Failed Simulation, Reuters Link Below.


  5. I don’t see this happening in 5 months at all. But you gotta think that the U.S. is throwing a ton of $$$ an anti drone tech. Think about having a leg up with drones as an offensive weapon but can also knock most of the other side’s drones out of the air. Think Israel with the Iron Dome shooting down incoming but the other side not being able to do the same. But a 100x factor with drones.

  6. Actually really frightening, but this is the next logical step for Blue. It’s essential. The mines and drones are what’s really holding the bulk of the line atm, and the bottleneck for the drones is human pilots. One pilot can only operate one drone at a time – and that includes its travel time. Anyone who knows what happened at Hostre knows – if Red zerg rushes, a couple of drone teams can’t stop them.

    Now that things are stepping up, it’s time to solve that problem. Such is war.

  7. redditor0918273645 on

    I’m waiting for the drone that uses a brain organelle as the pilot. Lab grown and trained pilots.

  8. Performing a kill for a drone could be as easy as a sniper. Drones has plenty of time to loiter and strike at most opportune time, all the while maintaining stealth. Sure they have limited duration/range. But (typical) handful of hours and couple of miles distance is quite plenty. Once fully automated, you could possibly get full stealth (radio silence). That is the most terrifying thing. AI + killer drones + volume = biggest spike in power since Tanks.

    All it takes is one insane freak with unlimited power/resources (like pre-ww2-Germany) and they can drone-blitzkrieg entire continents in mere days. US and NATO probably got enough tech to counter these kinds of threat but if drone-blitzkreig were done without forewarning, no one is prepared to defend drone-blitzkreig to just one country. Let alone entire continent. Look how Russia was able to try Blitzkreig on Ukraine. Even with warnings months in advance, they couldn’t even set up some defensive build-up not even for the show. (There were a total of 10k-ish US troops near Ukraine around that time; and that was it)

    In reality, of course, in this day and age of internet, smartphones and digi-cams everywhere, nobody can really hide such kind of arm-buildups. And I’d imagine it’d take months, if not years to prepare. And even fully autonomous drones need plenty of human to support them. But, theoretically, if one were crazy enough to try Hitler 2.0, and if one were to build up a formidable fully-autonomous cutting-edge drone army in complete secret, we won’t be able to fight back for weeks if not months/years. By the time we’re ready, we’ll all be bowing down to drone overlords.

  9. My prediction is of course, 🇺🇦 will have them deployed first and I’m sure we can all agree that they’re testing them already.

    I’m also quite confident that we can agree on the fact that the Orcs will attempt to copy 🇺🇦 with hilarious and dangerous (to themselves) results.

    #Слава Skynet

  10. He’s wrong. But he’s not WAY wrong.

    The next 10 years will be a sliding scale of manned vs unmanned.

    The 10 years after that? The human pilot is 💯dead and gone.

    There will be NO human COMBAT pilots 20 years from now. ZERO.

  11. Modern drones don’t have enough brains and sensors for that. And larger drones are more expensive and vulnerable. So no, I am not concerned about the nearest future (1 – 3 years).

  12. The technology already exists. Commercial Aircraft take off, fly preprogrammed way points. and can land without a human pilot. Autonomous automobiles can drive, navigate, and can parallel park themselves

  13. GuillotineComeBacks on

    It’s just that keeping a pilot in the loop limits the chances of “oops, that was friendlies” otherwise everything that can be would be unmanned already.

    It’s not that necessary if you are sure you’ll have enemies only in the range of operation. But that you can’t know before the war blows out.

  14. Geofence the drones, send them into that area and let them hunt. No need for uniform or facial recognition. Scary shit, but it’s war.

    Civilians had better get the f*ck out of Dodge.

  15. ohulittlewhitepoodle on

    What they could do in the near future is have “AI” pilot take over some of the most straight forward tasks, and also allow a pilot to control more than one drone simultaneously, or to switch quickly between control of multiple drones that are otherwise piloted by the AI.

    For example, the AI could be tasked with flying to the target location and to search for moving targets. Then hand off control to a human when a target is found.