1. Is truth the holy water to these Republican vampires. Mention fact check and they weave their arms and fly away as wombats.

  2. They hate facts. They actually get mad when people speak the truth. The entire republican brand is based on lies. The real conservatives are going to have to break away from these maga scum at some point.

  3. Fact: according to King Sooper website a dozen eggs are $3.99 not $7 or $10 like Booboo says.

    Source King Sooper website.

  4. I gotta HAND it to Boebert. She’s really GROPING in the dark. She just makes a BOOB of herself. Someone ought to ESCORT her to a library. But then, she’s not good with books and would just TRASH it.

  5. FunnyCharacter4437 on

    If I ever win the lottery, or plan to quit anyways, I think I’m going to say some ridiculously outrageous things at my work and then when someone speaks up, will quote “oh, you’re going to fact check me?” and am pretty sure I won’t need to tender my resignation.

  6. You’re a republican, fact checking you is now a way of life.

    You did it to yourself, it wasn’t us.

  7. Local Giant Eagle market in Pittsburgh PA. Dozen Grade A Eggs. $3.49.
    These idiots who say $7.00/dz haven’t been in a grocery store in years! Total Boebert BS !

  8. Back in Journalism class in high school, we learned to check the factual nature of the story we were going to write. More journalists should try it.

  9. All of the statements in this thread so far while accurate. Miss the one very important fact. She actually has a chance to win even with this blatant stupidity

  10. FanAdministrative885 on

    We as voters should demand honesty from politicians. If they can’t tell the truth they should be disqualified. If you lie at work all the time, how long will you have a job. Why do we treat politicians differently? And us treating them differently enables them to lie even more. Voters need to stand up and demand more from our politicians.