Stop the coup!

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry


  1. The Republican party has always been an arm of the ultra rich trying to dominate society. Trump has just emboldened these forces and allied with foreign enemies of the US who want to weaken us as a country.

  2. Russia had Trump over a barrel ever since his string of bankruptcies in the 90s made it so no American bank would touch him. Russia loaned money to Trump through Deutsche Bank. Either through dumb luck or strong confidence in their ability to influence the American Election, they chose to put their efforts behind him. My guess is that they just expected him to sow discord and cause division. Surely, they didn’t think he could actually get elected. But it worked out for Russia. One obvious way twas that Trump would refuse to sign or veto Russian sanctions that had a super majority and would pass whether he signed it or not. Thus holding it limbo and not being enacted.

  3. The 1% don’t need a coup they run shit already. Why do you think none of the people in the government faced any consequences for Jan 6th or any other illegal activity

  4. Sabotaging democracy with a pro Putin fascist?  Check.

    Cutting governmental departments that have been on the Koch brothers’ chopping block for decades in project 2025? Check.

  5. It’s also his deliberate & desperate attempt to avoid incarceration for his many crimes.
    Campaign money funds his legal defense.

  6. IonlyusethrowawaysA on

    I think it’s just the latest ploy from the ruling class to strip rights, wealth and agency from the working class.

    Both parties work for them, Trump is a leap towards fascism while Harris is another baby step. Less a coup, more bog standard shittiness.