Norway rejects Russian fleeing mobilisation

Posted by duckanroll


  1. IndistinctChatters on

    >*While the UDI noted there had been no formal decree to end mobilisation, it said call-up papers were no longer being issued and that the ranks of the Russian military were currently being filled by volunteers* ***motivated by generous pay.***

    >*The UDI added that Russian* ***men of military age were not barred from leaving the country,*** *and that those who had subsequently returned after leaving Russia during mobilisation had not been arrested.*

    >*could have implications for other Russian asylum seekers fleeing mobilisation.*

    There is no mobilization and they can freely leave the country: what’s the problem now?

  2. As they should, asylum seeking is for war refugees. If Russians don’t want to be mobilized, then maybe they should get interested in their own politics.

  3. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Mixed feelings on this, if they are properly vetted then maybe its better to take some in as oppose to seeing them force to fight Ukrainians or possibly other conflicts against ‘the west’.

    And if there is possibility to brain drain Russia then it might also be good

  4. There are plenty of Russians who have no interest in denouncing Putin’s actions but simply aren’t willing to die in a ditch for them. I see plenty of Russians in the EU spreading endless conspiracy theories about the west or how bad it’s and don’t say anything about Ukraine and yet they are happy to live here don’t move back to Russia.

  5. A Russian in exile is better than a Russian fighting in Ukraine. Or does someone here prefer the latter?

  6. Defiant-Traffic5801 on

    He may not have been called up but now that his name has been disclosed , he had better stay away from windows

  7. So in fact there are two sides: one, which is ranging from totally indifferent to downright hatefull, and two, which looks at me as a chunk of meat to throw anywhere they like, and if I won’t comply this side is able to turn my life into even more hell than it is right now.
    Who do you think will I stick to?

  8. Dude can emigrate somewhere else. Or is it “Norway/EU or I’m occupant now, because I don’t like Asia”

  9. Goldstein_Goldberg on

    Can’t we say that we that we accept, but they have to serve 2 years in the Russian Legion fighting against Russia?

  10. I think only those who are against their government and against the war should be accepted, since there are others who believe in conspiracies and want to come to EU/Schengen/Western world.