Trump’s plans would ‘damage’ American economy for more than a decade: study


  1. Trumps last stint has affected the economy for 4 years and it’s still not repaired.

    10 years is really a lowball guess in reality.

  2. Dissolving the Department of Education and forcing kids to learn theological pseudoscience will do far more damage than just his economic idiocy.

  3. Double_Leader_8860 on

    I felt his plans from 2016 to 2020. All those stimulus checks that I received went right back to the US. Now things are much better. But still needs time to heal our country.

  4. He fcked his own family business multiple times, and added 7 trillion to the country’s debt.

    Why would anyone be surprised?

  5. Repulsive_Smoke_8043 on

    I click to read these and they always go to a far left “news” agency written by a party member. If they write for Raw, Alternet or similar like this writer you know there will be no honesty. Why post it when the source is so untrustworthy?

  6. Multiple studies have shown that the economy does better under Democrats. Trump rode in on an up-coming economy, revived by Obama after 2nd worst recession in US, didn’t pay off one cent of deficit and left economy in the dumpster after 4 years. And brain-washed minions think he’s a great businessman and economy would be better under him. Yeah…if you’re Musk, Bezos, Zuckerman, etc, but not the average worker.

  7. Fickle_Sandwich_7075 on

    Harris has a plan for the economy. She has stated that Goldman Sachs and others have studied her plan alongside Trumps and hers is the best for America. If this weren’t true wouldn’t these entities be disavowing her statements? Yes, they would. Her plan is great. It’s a plan and not a concept of a plan