I am reporting a nice discussion from https://x.com/AleEquilibrium/status/1838287256785653802

The general and profound decline of Italy is also accelerating due to the enormous loss of human potential, including the famous "brain drain". According to the latest analyses by the Fondazione Nord Est in 2022, 43.1% of young people who left

Graph of the u/FondazioneNE Italy had a tertiary title, from 37.7% in 2021 and from 31.6% on average 2011-2022 >>, with losses of tens and tens of billions of € for our society.

Our system is not able to adequately absorb graduates and so the exodus from the Northern regions continues to increase.

Which in turn absorb the flows from the South + Islands, which are depopulating. It is a literally suicidal cycle, which has been repeatedly talked about for some time, where however the damage caused by this factor of decline is underestimated.


The Foundation speaks of 133.9 billion "human capital" lost since 2011 (numbers to be taken with a pinch of salt), but there are other elements that are more difficult to calculate:

1) The potential for change & innovation, given to other countries

2) New businesses that have been created elsewhere

3) New cultural, artistic, musical fields, which are now carried out abroad

4) Scientific discoveries, patents and new technologies donated to foreign nations/companies

5) Loss of active, educated and dynamic population, which no longer brings its benefits to the territory and further aggravates the demographic crisis.

I repeat: the alarms are now continuous, repeated for years. But the government responses, under any government, have always been ridiculous. If someone thinks of stopping such a decline with some incentive, he is clearly stupid or in bad faith.

The same goes for the demographic crisis, where the fairy tale of a single allowance for children is sold. The only way to drastically reverse the loss of human potential (as well as incentivize the arrival of professionals from other countries) is a radical change in public spending, with long-term strategic plans and ad hoc investments for tens of billions of €.

But not only that: the balance of power in Italian society must also be changed, especially between the richest and poorest groups, at a territorial and generational level. In short, a revolution of the Italian system.

That will not happen… I am too much of a realist to know that certain changes only happen in favorable times, with enormous shocks and the fierce affirmation of new social/cultural visions. In Italy, in this Republic, today, all these elements are missing.

We are old & apathetic.

The bulk of the change will be decided mainly by the rest of the world. It remains to be seen how we adapt.

Read all about it https://x.com/AleEquilibrium/status/1838287256785653802

Le migliori persone vanno via dall'Italia, preoccupiamo di quelle che vanno via…
byu/acciuga initaly

Posted by acciuga


  1. L’etá mediana in Italia é tipo 50 anni e alla stragrande maggioranza della gente dei giovani non frega un cazzo, ció crea una classe politica dove da ogni parte l’unico manifesto politico é “alziamo le pensioni a debito”.

    Prendersela con le “risposte governative” é un po’ guardare il dito e non la luna. L’elettorato si deve svegliare e probabilmente a sto punto l’unico modo é prendere una botta seguita da austerity vera (non il 2-3% di deficit l’anno) stile Grecia/Spagna/Portogallo 15 anni fa

  2. Klutzy-Weakness-937 on

    Pensare di combattere la crisi demografica con sussidi è una stronzata. Non è un problema economico, la gente non fa figli perché non vuole figli. È un naturale effetto collaterale di un paese occidentale sviluppato e liberale.