Citizen patrol attacks immigrants staying at a hotel in Żyrardów,189663,31336864,uzywali-piesci-i-rzucali-krzeslami-tak-wygladal-patrol.amp

Posted by Maxim4447


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  2. Polaczki mają ból dupy o ‘imigrantów’ mimo tego że to my, nie imigranci, popełniamy najwięcej przestępstw i zabójstw xD

  3. gorgeousredhead on

    I’m an EU immigrant and I’ve lived in PL longer than most redditors have been alive. The people in favour of this violence are scum

  4. Dontknow_what_tosay on

    I kinda understand why these attacks started (my country (Chile) is kinda overrun by really rude immigrants who can’t adopt our culture) but damn, I don’t know if emigrating to Poland is a good idea now

  5. Four_beastlings on

    NGL this freaks me out. I’m buying a flat now and my husband (Polish and career military, you don’t get much more patriotic than him) says to stay away from places where certain people gather… he nixed one I liked because it was close to the football stadium.

    He says if those brutes encounter a tanned foreign woman they are not going to stop and ask if I’m here legally and a productive member of society, or might even be offended and vengeful because I have a good job. I’m from Spain for the record, completely legal here and a lot of Piles move to my country.

    I love Poland, but authorities need to step in and put these idiots under control. I have not personally encountered violence but lately at work in my multinational, US company that operates from Poland to half the planet (so we employ people from everywhere ad native speakers are needed) I have heard coworkers openly and loudly ranting because the multinational employees use English as a lingua franca.

  6. Another product of a stable progressing society……. I’ve lived here for many years, and this is about the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen here.

  7. Mało kim gardzę tak bardzo jak ultranacjolami którym marzy się “Polska dla Polaków” i którzy tak pieczołowicie rozsiewają antyimigrancki hejt. Niewiele jest narodów które są rozsiane po świecie jak nasz. Ile krajów przyjęło polskich imigrantów po rozbiorach, w trakcie rozbiorów, podczas drugiej wojny światowej i po niej?

    A teraz te jebane sebiksy mają czelność uważać samych siebie za patriotów i “obrońców Polskości”. Tfu

  8. Why they don’t call themselves by name- shi*heads idiots? It would fit better than some citizens patrol.

  9. Outsider here to what’s going on but I just got to Wrocław from the states. Is this only specific targeting or all non polish people they don’t like? I am wondering if I will have a hard time. My parents are Italian and Swiss if it matters