So, I’m no new guy selling and buying used stuff in Switzerland, been doing that for years through Facebook, Tutti and Ricardo mainly!
I was always pretty confidant about handling this stuff and scammers… but this time I was pretty dumb and naive.

A “guy”(Frank Peier) in Buchs SG was selling a computer graphics card (RTX4090) for 1100fr, they go for 1600~2000fr new, and I know that there are a lot of scammers on that “business” and normally I’m good to spot them right away but this time it didn’t seems like it and so I message him and everything seemed normal, I even inspect the fotos on google etc.

We agree on him to send me the GPU per Post since he gave me a very believable receipt from MediaMarkt!
Then I send him a 200fr deposit through TWINT, as I did several times both ways… later in he asked for 200fr more because his wife was afraid of the high risk… I was already regretting everything but in the end I still send the 200fr through TWINT but to his wife…
Short story, he ghosted and blocked me after this… After the stress of the first day I’m now well aware that I will not get my money back but and now my question is:

Is worth get this to the police? They will do anything? I have the phone numbers, names, address, account and receipt etc

It is worth to go to the address personally?

I will expose here the recipe and name because why not…

Thanks for any insight!

Posted by BruNreL

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