Diet-related diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in the US – yet many doctors receive little to no nutrition education in med school


  1. We also have an entire industry of *nutritionists* who have minimal training. I knew more than mine after a few weeks of research.

    Never mind that saturated fat is a key ingredient in most foods, especially comfort foods. Fortunately the food industry and healthcare industries don’t have incentives to make anything better. 🙄

  2. Relative_Business_81 on

    I thought the #1 cause of death is heart disease? Unless they’re expanding their definition of “diet caused death” to cover that… in which case I guess all car crash mortalities are “diet caused deaths” as well. 

  3. As a dentist, we received a decent amount of nutrition training and we took the classes with the medical students.

  4. AlwaysUpvotesScience on

    This is a huge problem in our country obviously. There are lots of fads out there but the one thing you can always count on is a whole food plant-based diet.