Reuters: China has started manufacturing Garpiya-3 drones for Russia


  1. Start to tax China to crush their economy to death please, I am willing to pay for it, I was already willing to pay for it 10 years ago anyway.

  2. Here we go, now the full west need to put a HUGE tax on everything that comes from china so they have the effect back on them.

  3. Come on, their communist. They have no morals, no ethics. They will lie to your face and laugh about it later. Stop being shocked.

  4. Any-Progress7756 on

    This would be the first time they are openly giving weapons to Russia. They need to be sanctioned, and people should ban buying their products.

  5. When china saw no hard sanctions or any actions on iran and north korea for supplying drones and missiles to russia, China saw this as “if they’re not doing anything to significantly weaker countries- why would they do anything against us?”

    Again, this whole weird appeasement and de-escalation by not fighting back philosophy by the west just never translates well to the east then, now, and in the future.

    Strength is the only language they respect.

  6. ProfessionalCreme119 on

    To think that China is not wanting real world combat data testing off of their drone systems is ridiculous. This is directly against the interests of not only Ukraine and Europe but Taiwan and other Asian regional allies.

    You prevent weapon testing so that Nations have less of a chance of striking or invading another nation. Allowing China to do this freely will just make their capturing of Taiwan (or any other Asian state) much easier.

  7. Kamala hopefully wins and sees this and pushes through the use of tomahawks ready for destruction and other long range options, let China send all they want as long as we track the shipments and let Ukraine hit them where they stop.. also sanctioning China should be the option now.

  8. StrivingToBeDecent on

    Surprised it took them this long.

    Serious question: Is this war turning into a proxy war? (I’m not clear on the definition of that term.)

  9. Are China preventing Russia from striking outside their border? It could well bee seen as escalation in agression against a Nato ally…