Kremlin says it is impossible to force Russia into peace


  1. Trying to force Russia into peace is like asking a sinking ship to steer itself to shore — the only thing it’s good at is going down, just with more vodka and denial.

  2. Then we will force Russia into pieces instead.

    We will need to be a little more careful about where the nuclear weapons end up, admittedly.

  3. No.

    But it is possible to force Russia to wage war with no USSR materiel inheritance, with an overheated, hyper-inflated economy, while also working its way through an entirely self-inflicted demographic collapse.

    And watching Russia try to wage war while its own slave colonies realize it doesn’t have the kind of military it takes to oppress them anymore is going to be fantastic fun for all of us.

    Keep voluntarily destroying yourself with your war, Russia. Keep trying to prove to us we can’t make you stop it. We hope you’re right, and we’re all eager to learn how it pans out. I mean, we know, we’re all around you with 20 times the guns and even more times the economies and quality of life, but it’s fun to watch you find out for yourself.

    *Crams more popcorn in face*

  4. lol Russia is a such a pathetic nation, the only reason they’re relevant on the world stage is nukes and oil, they should worry about how stupid and uneducated their population is and the fact that they’re going to have their 3rd collapse in 100 years, even after that they’ll still have a strong man step in because the people that live there are so stupid that they don’t know anything more than being slaves

  5. Just don’t get it? Why does Russia want be an international pariah. Furthermore, even if they did take control of the Ukraine, they would be fighting an underground army for generations.

  6. There is a limit to how many losses they can tolerate. Putin falling out a window could also end the war.

  7. So if they say it is impossible, in practice it means it is possible, if not the only option.

    Unless this one is a double bluff.

  8. >“It is impossible to force Russia into peace. Russia is actually a supporter of peace, but on condition that the foundations of its security are ensured and the tasks of the special military operation are fulfilled.”

    Translation: “There will be no peace unless Ukraine surrenders their country.”

    These scumbags are a level of pure fucking evil on par with the Nazis.
    They know they’re in the wrong, they know what they’re doing is criminal, they know Ukraine never actually posed a threat. They don’t care.

    It’s just all about money and power for these sick fucks and then they waive their nukes around like psychopaths anytime anyone tries to stop them from ostensibly raping and pillaging their neighbor..

    Just glass Moscow and end this shit.

  9. That’s a fair point. It’s unlikely that the quasi-state that’s going to sign off on troops withdrawal from Ukraine is going to be called russia.

  10. Don’t they have laws about Russians who are anti-Russian? They keep punching themselves in the face while yelling “you can’t stop me from punching myself in the face!”

  11. longsgotschlongs on

    You should read that as “even if we make peace, we will not consider it peace and will keep plotting”

  12. Russia is like a $3 billion economy and NATO is like a $40 billion economy, NATO can definitely force Russian into peace one way or the other. They are A week, military, and a weak economy, and a rather small amount of total people.

    It’s basically like saying if California decided to try to invade Canada that you know the world wouldn’t be able to stop them.

    Russia is about as powerful as one large US state. 

  13. Natural_Treat_1437 on

    So it’s impossible 😕 for the Russian troops to ever see 👀 their children and families again. B.S. all you need to do is call it quits.

  14. Russia could, as an alternative, bring about peace immediately. But they’re not doing that either.

    Conclusion: I’m not sure they want peace at all.

  15. That’s ok. We’ll just deal with whomever is left after wiping out all of the genocidal animals currently running the RF. 

  16. thedayafternext on

    This guy’s such a weasel.

    Russia needs to remember it isn’t NATO or the West being ground into a paste in Ukraine and Russia.

  17. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 71%. (I’m a bot)
    > Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian leader Vladimir Putin, has said that Ukraine's desire to force Russia into peace is an "Absolutely fatal mistake" because it is impossible to do so.

    > The journalist asked the Russian ruler's spokesman whether it was possible to force Russia into peace.

    > "It is impossible to force Russia into peace. Russia is actually a supporter of peace, but on condition that the foundations of its security are ensured and the tasks of the special military operation are fulfilled. But unless these goals are achieved, it is impossible to force Russia," Peskov said.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694337 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Zelenskyy**^#1 **Plan**^#2 **Russia**^#3 **peace**^#4 **Ukraine**^#5

  18. You cannot tame a rabid dog to be calm. You have to euthanize it to relieve its suffering and protect others. That is the same with the Russian terrorist regime, spreading infection of war. Putin and the system should collapse to bring lasting peace.

  19. astarinthenight on

    The only one that can end this war is Putin, and it’s simple. All he has to do is withdraw all troops from Ukraine lands to include Crimea.

  20. justbrowsington on

    Aha… just like it was impossible to think that Russia wouldn’t finish the special operation in two weeks right? Right??

    Lol Russia is raiding their museums for relic tanks and asking North Korea/Iran for weapons… ya’ll cooked.

  21. What countries do you thjnk Russia will break apart into when the civil unrest becomes great enough? The eastern three quarters is huge and sparsely populated. Invasions are unlikely since they have nukes. Chechnya could easily become it’s own state again. Exclaves are easily integrated into newrby cojntries or strike off on their own. Karelia back to the Finns, if they even want it anymore. Kuril Islands back to Japan, Ossetia back to Georgia? I can’t imagine it remaining one big country, but you never know, maybe Russia could have a competent government take over fkr the first time since… ever.

  22. Many_Advice_1021 on

    Russia has been a basket case for the ever ! They had a small chance during detent. But that ended when they elected A toxic narcissist sociopath. He could bring about the end the world . A lesson for us as we go into our election.

  23. It’s concerning to hear the Kremlin state that peace cannot be enforced. This kind of rhetoric often suggests a reluctance to engage in meaningful dialogue. Peace is usually a two-way street, and finding common ground is essential for any resolution. What do you think are the main barriers to achieving peace in this context?