Trump declines to meet with Zelensky to discuss his ‘victory plan’

Posted by duckanroll


  1. Trump never misses an opportunity to embarrass himself. Regardless of political position, it should be in his interest to have good relations with such a strategic nation as Ukraine today. He’s probably too busy bringing some justice to the unjustly eaten kittens and dogs.

  2. I wouldn’t expect someone with a second grade reading level to show up and be productive anyway.

  3. must_kill_all_humans on

    Dump this fat fucking traitorous piece of shit on the front lines and rid the world of his stupidity, PLEASE.

  4. Intelligent_Pie_9102 on

    Trump doesn’t care right now. If he pushes back Zelensky, it’s because he probably thinks it will bring him more votes. And after the elections if he wins, he’ll see Zelensky anyway without the risk of the bad press that disavowing the plan could cause right now. But who knows, he’s refused the campaign debates many times only to accept latter on… The guy thrives on being nonsensical.

  5. Maybe it’s for the best.

    Unless Zelensky wants Putin to know about the plan right away that is.

  6. Trump openly criticised ukraine for not having a clear plan to end the war and now he doesnt even want to see it?

  7. Claims he will end the war immediately if he is elected, but refuses to meet with the president of Ukraine, a country that also happens to be an ally of the US and Europe.

    Yet again another great look for the orange turd.

  8. Because Trump’s victory plan is to give Ukraine to Putin. Zelensky knows this and was giving Trump either the opportunity to change course or enough rope to hang himself

  9. This just makes him look worse and Zelenskyy look more statesmanlike. And Zelenskyy won’t have to waste time pretending to deal with a functioning adult

  10. Trump is the ring leader of Kremlin caucus, and expecting anything decent from him is completely delusional. Russia disinformation operations work well in the United States because paid billionaires and republican influencers are nonstop, yapping Kremlin talking points. I think we will lose a lot more if this cancer gets elected in November.

  11. Affectionate_Cat293 on

    You may think that he’s a Manchurian candidate, but his message resonates with grassroot Republicans.

    As of June 2023, 44% of Republicans believe that the US has given too much aid to Ukraine.


    [Trump’s brand of isolationism is the majority position with the GOP.](,be%20active%20in%20world%20affairs.%E2%80%9D)