A new study reveals that gender differences in academic strengths are found throughout the world and girls’ relative advantage in reading and boys’ in science is largest in more gender-equal countries.



  1. No, see, if you plant the seeds *deeper* and *closer*, the Proletarian seeds will sprout and the Bourgoise seeds will perish…

  2. I used to subscribe to “gender is a social construct” but the overwhelming amount of research I’ve read supporting several biological sex differences has convinced me otherwise. I remember a week or so ago, an study was posted where it was claimed that women were more susceptible to PTSD using twin studies and people were extremely hostile to conclusion that this was due to genetic differences rather than socialization.

  3. Yes this is well known phenomenon.

    Perhaps gender dimorphism in academics is a luxury of developed nations. Given the luxury of choice and ability, people focus on different things.