UEFA admit to colossal mistake which cost Germany a EURO 2024 triumph


Posted by Popular-Block-5790


  1. Popular-Block-5790 on

    >Now though, over two months’ after the incident, the UEFA Referees’ Committee has conceded that a penalty should have been given.

    >In a statement on Monday, they said: “Following the latest UEFA guidelines, hand-to-ball contact that stops a shot on goal should be punished more strictly, and in most cases a penalty kick should be awarded, unless the defender’s arm is very close to the body or in contact with the body.

    >“In this case [Cucurella], the defender stops the shot on goal with his arm, which is not very close to the body, making himself bigger, so a penalty kick should have been awarded.”

    Edit: the title of this post is the headline of the article, not the words I would’ve used for one so please don’t come at me for that.

  2. Fickle-Message-6143 on

    And nothing will come out of this, referees will not be punished, match won’t be replayed and etc…

  3. The referee also didn’t show a red card to Kroos, after he deserved it several times. Not so sure this possible goal would’ve given them the victory all things considered.

  4. Next point is they’re going to admit that you cannot award a penalty when you’re brought out of balance **after** you kick the ball (yes I’m looking at you Harry Kane).

  5. Psychological-Ox_24 on

    Don’t get me wrong, I agree that it should’ve been a penalty. But in some way this evens out England v Germany in the 2010 World Cup.

  6. The article doesn’t have a video but if I remember correctly it was off side before the kick? Does some one have the video of the full situation.

  7. These things happen.
    In Brazil, Neuer should have been sent off with a red card, which would have likely meant a loss.

    Didn’t happen. Move on.

  8. The main reason I stopped watching football altogether were decisions like this. I just can’t suffer through this anymore. The tipping point for me was a Real Madrid match when they were basically gifted the victory. It’s been about 10 years now and while I do miss it sometimes, I’d rather keep my sanity.

  9. It wouldn’t have been a pen either way because there was a previous offside that would have invalidated the penalty. So this is pointless.

  10. So the title ain’t worth sh*t?
    Panem et circenses…
    I remember weeks of discussions to justify the non-call. This is a circus!

  11. If only we had a technology that allowed us to look at key moments and reevaluate them… Taylor should never be allowed to referee again

  12. No shit. Everyone saw it back then during live play. How are we better referees than whatever you throw onto the pitch?

  13. Not sure if it cost the euro title but that British asshole referee including his boss needs to be suspended from the game forever

  14. I remember watching it at the time and thinking how on earth a penalty couldn’t have been given. I suppose the only mitigating factor was that he was trying to bring his arm behind his back at the time. But his arm blocked a shot so a penalty should have been given.

    I don’t think it would deserve a card because it wasn’t intentional but should have been punished.

    However if we are grumbling about historical games then Maradona should have been sent off in ’86 for intentionally handling the ball into the net.