AI-Generated Malware Found in the Wild


  1. Holding associated AI companies financially and legally accountable will help

    Edit: as well as their executive board and staff

  2. You had **Ransomware as Service** now you have **AI (without controls) as Service.**

    Absent in these rogue AI services are:

    * Compliance controls
    * Bias & ethical controls
    * Intellectual property controls
    * Privacy controls
    * Data poisoning and integrity control.
    * and other stuff not listed here

    To assume that all AI services are going to be nice and helpful is naïve.

  3. Simple-Noise-7762 on

    Jailbroken ChatGPT with DAN (rip) used to be able to generate basic worm. I’ve pushed it to generate usable Rust rootkit with given exploits.

  4. I spoke of this 2 years ago. AI powered malware. We are all compromised. There is no privacy from the controlling parties.

  5. ThinkExtension2328 on

    – It was also written in French, which works but is not the general language of choice for malware writers. Clues like these made the researchers consider the script was not written by a human, but for a human by gen-AI.

    The French don’t exist and they are AI I knew it, so the wee wee was always to throw us off. /s