China test-fires ICBM into Pacific Ocean China has announced it test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a dummy warhead into the Pacific Ocean.

China’s defense ministry said the ICBM, fired at 8:44 a.m. Wednesday local time, landed in the high seas of the Pacific.

The ministry said the launch is a routine arrangement in its annual training plan, and in line with international law and international practice.

It said the missile was not directed against any country or target.

It is unusual for China to disclose the test-firing of an ICBM.

Japanese and Chinese sources say countries such as Australia and the United States were notified of the test launch in advance. They say the missile may have landed in open waters around Australia.

Some observers say the test-firing may have been a warning to the AUKUS security framework, which consists of Australia, Britain and the US.

The three countries have been bolstering deterrence, such as planning the introduction of nuclear submarines, mindful of China’s stepped-up military activities.

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