His ‘Terminator’ Was A Cautionary Tale About Artificial Intelligence; Now, James Cameron Joins Stability AI Board Of Directors



  1. IntergalacticJets on

    To be fair, his story wasn’t about robots that paint pictures or generate CGI.

    Now I’m wondering what it would be like if Stable Diffusion suddenly became self aware…

  2. Its actually insane hes gone full generative AI. Like a pioneer in CGI but i guess fuck the artists right? Also an environmental activist but fuck the environment for some shitly generated slop.

  3. EmbarrassedHelp on

    Terminator featured an unrealistic and comically evil bad guy AI along with good guy AIs. It was a work of fiction, and only idiots think its realistic.

  4. I thought it was a cautionary tale about time travel, and how if you don’t get it right you can end up in diabolical time loop of endless crappy sequels.

  5. A lot of generative AI is absolute trash and not ready for primetime. While I still use the tools to help moodboard at work, I would never use these assets in anything public facing.

    Theres so many AI tools though that make life so much easier. I use ChatGPT all day every day. Today it helped me choose a medical plan, decide on a restaurant for tomorrow, and write up a reference letter for my tenants.

    I’m using AI tools to mix and master a record too so I can focus on the fun parts. AI when used correctly really is an incredible assistant.

    We as a society need to attempt guardrails around generative AI — whether its making wholly generative work without watermarks illegal or something else in that vein.


    Terminator was set to 2025… perhaps time travel is real because he 100 💯 nailed it. A physics mindset = amazing

  7. Well, at least someone looking like James Cameron is. Skynet 2.0 has seen the Terminator movies and revised its strategy.

  8. HolyPommeDeTerre on

    I’ll write a book about money investment. I’ll walk into the board of all companies because of it.

    Why would a writer be on a board tech/science thing? Does he have any credibility in the field?

    That’s almost like Trump being an encyclopedia.