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  1. They should have just put a closing down sale the moment they open up lol

    I wonder how long until they change the signage

  2. FreddyFerdiland on

    Opening sale to celebrate opening that morning

    Closing down sale to boost sales before closing doors that pm …

    Knowing they will open tommorrow AM.

  3. The one near me at broadway shopping Centre had a closing down sign for like 5 years, I walked past the other day and they had actually closed and left. Was very surprised

  4. CaravelClerihew on

    I swear that whoever owns House must have a sibling or cousin or something who owns a sign printing business and shuttles money to them for some dubious purpose.

  5. East-Background-9850 on

    Says a lot about this company, it’s culture, it’s people and it’s management when their main sales and marketing tactic is outright deception.