Mail-in Ballots? We don’t do that in Texas! Who do you think we are…California?

Posted by weh1021


  1. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

    It’s a good thing the Texas legislature was able to hand-pick their president. It’s exactly how representative democracy works 🤯

  2. What?!?! You think we’re going to let everyone who is legally eligible actually cast a vote ? This is Texas !

  3. Wouldn’t it be nice to have I dunno maybe some kind of federal agency that looked not election interference… 🤔

  4. Well, duh. The only way Republicans can win is by limiting who can vote. That’s gonna bite you in the ass one of these days, idiots.

  5. So Paxton is admitting Texas went to Biden, but he falsified the election results? I’m less surprised than I’d hope to be.

  6. if i still lived in texas i would spend my free time alternating between standing across from ken paxton’s and greg abbott’s homes holding up the middle finger

  7. In Florida they blocked mail in voting. Recent election cycle you had to drop your ballot off, but only at the polls during voting day, or at the office at some specific times.

    Guess what? I was stuck working really late for two weeks. Then I worked out of the country another two weeks. Never got the chance to deliver it.

    This fucking interference works. They don’t want you to vote!

  8. Master_Shoulder_9657 on

    I think he was trying to say that mail in ballots cause fraud and they are how democrats cheat. Obviously he is wrong. They don’t. Thats not a thing. but still, just thought I’d point that out

  9. Texas admitting to crimes with no one to hold them accountable since the Supreme Court is just as corrupt, thanks to the GOP.

  10. “The Love Star State”

    “Ok class, *holds up Texas flag* this represents how many brain cells the average voter here has.”

    And yet, Trump would have lost if it hasn’t been interfered with. Vote – Get these cocksleeves out of office!

  11. Nefarious-Botany on

    In michigan I receive a trump based mail in ballot flyer in the mail daily. Contradicting asshole.