Study sheds new light on severe COVID’s long-term brain impacts. Cognitive deficits resembled 2 decades of aging


  1. This actually pisses me off. The amount of people I’ve met/talked to who’ve claimed “oh, COVID is just another Flu bro.”

    Yeah, right. I’m glad they’re doing studies on how fucked up this virus is, this isn’t normal.

  2. Just when we were about to get rid of “your brain is screwed up because of leaded gasoline” now we’re getting “your brain is screwed up because you had Covid.”

  3. Covid makes me psychotic every time I get it. I shudder to think of the permanent damage it’s caused.

  4. I know that most people will read the comments before they even think about reading the actual article, so it should be noted that this is in cases of *severe* COVID – those that required hospitalization.

    If you haven’t been hospitalized for it then don’t start tricking yourself into thinking that it gave you brain damage. That isn’t to say there can’t be long-term adverse effects from milder cases, but it is far less likely, and even less so that the effects will be permanent.

  5. 2 decades of ageing pretty much describes how I feel now, after COVID triggered some problems in my breathing

  6. Really cool read, especially the original scientific study linked in this article.

    They reviewed a few hundred people, only folks that were hospitalized (so severe cases), and likely one of the original strains as they waited a year for the study if I’m not mistaken. Would be cool to do this same study with the 2024 strain of covid.

  7. Independent-Cow-3795 on

    Does anyone have a strong time line of when Joe Biden got inoculated with Covid to the point he seemed like a total incompetent geriatric person whose brain seemed to have aged 2 decades?