Trump’s 4-step plan to end inflation

Posted by FictionVent


  1. Ummm, actually, it’s MUCH worse, in reality. His plan to combat high prices on food and consumer goods is to place huge tariffs on imports, increasing the cost of consumer goods, and to round up and deport the people who work in food production and processing, increasing food costs. Economists are in agreement that not only are his proposals inflationary, HYPERinflationary. It’s fucking idiotic and his cult meets these proposals with outright glee.

  2. The only way to control prices is for the government to take control of the key industries. I believe that’s typically called communism. But hey, if Trump thought he could do it, I wouldn’t put it past him trying and MAGAs would cheer him along.

  3. I’m sure the 20% tariffs on imported food will do wonders. There will definitely not be retaliation and crush our exports. Nope, history hasn’t shown us that /s

  4. Own_Bullfrog_3598 on

    For 50 years now, I have seen my fellow Americans vote against their own self-interest so many times it’s beyond sad, and I have seen them blame “the gubmint” and/or whatever Democrat is in office for any thing at all that happens.

  5. Just a daily reminder that Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, was elected to Director of Kroger in 2021.

    The same Kroger that has admitted under oath that they price gouged well beyond what inflation justified.

  6. Old perv fossil fool is constantly mind fucking the nation.
    Dude is a weird freak. And his little cult? Also weird freaks – more into destruction than creation, that’s for sure.