DJT down another 28%. “Let’s run the country like a business” amirit?

Posted by 8-bit-Felix


  1. Open_Perception_3212 on

    I’m pretty sure corporate interests had the stock market close super early 2 days in a row when he was in office so we wouldn’t go into a depression. They physically closed wall street so HIS economy wouldn’t fucking tank…..

  2. Just an FYI-if you bought in at the IPO price of $10 a share-you’re still up 20%. Those few people better sell the fuck out right now. Cause it ain’t going up.

  3. They wanted to own the Libs. Instead the bank now owns their house.


  4. Pickle-Rick-C-137 on

    The fake news media, folks, they’re saying the stock is going down, can you believe that? Total lies. Big lies. In fact, they’ve reversed and flipped it! It’s actually going UP, but they don’t want you to know that. They’re trying to trick you, folks, they want you to think it’s bad, but it’s actually doing fantastic.

    The best stock, believe me. Don’t trust what you see or hear, it’s all fake. We’re winning so much, they can’t handle it. The stock is UP, and it’s winning like never before, but the media? They’re totally corrupt.