Carnac the Magnificent says, when elected I will bring back Johnny Carson.

Posted by h20poIo


  1. There is no one that has even an idea of what fact checking is in the political circle of “friends” Orange face has. Really, how can you not make sure the person or program you refer to is no longer being aired or living ? The more this guy opens his mouth, the more he confirms to everyone watching him, how much of an idiot he is…

  2. He’s either an evil genius knowing he’s gonna looe so he’s gone full “let’s see how dumb they are” and says the most outlandish things, dumb as a doorbell or slipping deeper into dimentia. His team isn’t gonna fact check him for any of those things then. He put his foot down he does whatever he wants. His team probably doesn’t care anymore and doesn’t want to make the old man angry.

  3. Why hasn’t Ed McMahon been on tonight show recently? Americans are so lazy! No one wants to work.

  4. Fuck he actually said that. I don’t know why I keep thinking he didn’t, every time I see something and think, “He didn’t actually say that, this has to be satire.” But no, he did say that.

    Fuck. Just fuck. Anyone who votes for this soggy old carrot should be embarrassed.

  5. Just a desiccated corpse with it’s jaw jacked to one side and wearing a turban behind a nice desk with a mug on it. Instant comedy.

  6. If he wasn’t such an irredeemable shithead, this would actually be a relatable moment for me.

    I feel like this happens to me often.

    Me: “Whatever happened to XYZ celebrity? I never see them any more.”

    My spouse or kid: “That person died 12 years ago, and even if they were still alive they’d be absolutely decrepit.”

  7. Can’t wait until he doubles down on this: “they say he is dead, well we’re looking into that.”