Inside dating app predator’s sickening book of horrors: Vile boasts of misogynist who preyed on women are finally exposed

Posted by MissMissyPeaches


  1. Left-Requirement9267 on

    Wow…daily mail are not going to get off this sicko’s nuts because he tried to sure them LMAOOOO!

  2. Reading this article made me see red. His messages remind me of this dude who went livid on me and immediately went on to a degrading rant when I declined to meet him for coffee. Not satisfied with that, he went on to post screenshots of my Bumble and number onto a solicitation website and have creeps call me asking for sex until I had to give his full name and number to the police and have them call him. I’ve no doubt he did worse things to others.

    Hope men like these rot alone in their mom’s mouldy basements.

  3. decaf_flat_white on

    How do you get to age 43 and still handle rejection like a ten year old? Surely this must amount to clinical stunted mental development?

  4. And people were surprised so many women would choose the bear.

    I hope those children have access to therapy.