A Russian commander ordered a car donated to his unit to be ran over by an APC, because they were using it to go AWOL and get drunk


Posted by GeneReddit123


  1. Don’t really see the point in this if the soldiers are gonna die during a meat-wave attack this week

  2. You get stupid, then very stupid, then really really reaaaallyyyyy stupid, and finally you get russian stupidity.

  3. afaik at the front they are always short of all sorts of transports. The commander of this clown show decided to destroy the car because he couldn’t maintain control and discipline within his unit. And heven made it public. He probably thinks this will make him look good but shows actually just how pathetic and rotten the russian army as an organization is.

  4. Some guy who donated his life savings that he bought this car with watched this video with his mouth open.