I took this photo at one of my regular shops at Woolies. It would seem like they’re helping Aussie families battle the cost of living crisis by defying the producers at Red Rock Deli 😜



  1. Icy-Communication823 on

    20g bags. So the cheap cunts have split a 12 pack and are selling them for a buck each.

    For. Fucks. Sake.

  2. I wonder why the manufacturer would add a barcode onto a product they don’t want to be split for individual sale?

  3. I’m assuming this will be on “news”.com.au tomorrow.

    It is in violation with their contract with Red Rock Deli, and they would be interested to know this.

    “It is not illegal to sale something marked “Not for retail sale”.

    If you have a contract with the supplier of the item not to resale, you have the contractual obligation not to resale the item.”

    So technically wool-worts have broken contract with their supplier.

    Dog move, but hey, totally on brand for them.

  4. Are they for real? Not even in a dodgy milk bar would I see this! Expired chips maybe, but not this lol.

  5. The more stuff they pull the more they sound like a corporation out of idiocracy

    “Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Woolworths believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother.”