Russian propagandist Solovyev suggests Putin’s resignation

Posted by Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Don’t forget, anything on Russian state TV is sanctioned by the Kremlin.

    I expect this is an attempt to see who the traitors to Putin are, rather than a genuine call to remove him.

    Erdoğan did the same thing in Turkey, faking a coup to expose those who wanted rid of him.

  2. Just another trope of ruskie propaganda. When all the red lines fail, there’s the final one: “putin is not so bad, his successor will be much worse – and will act on all the previous red line violations that putin ignored”.

  3. He is not not the one getting an invitation for Polonium-210 tea, it is the ones that agrees with his suggestion.

  4. Everytime a new Russian leader is born, the Gods flip a coin, it either is a brutal dictator, or a corrupt oligarch bitch

  5. Choice-Task6738 on

    I sure hope somebody films it when he goes flying out of some skyscraper window. Close up, I want to see the expression on his face when he hits the pavement.

  6. We can interpret this many ways. But I think it’s the first cracks of maybe something big or not.
    Just beginning to spread this idea in people’s mind maybe to prepare for something.
    Yep that’s a lot of maybe.

  7. This is very interesting!

    It strongly suggests that Putin is worried about traitors and is trying to flush them out. This is Solovyov – one of Putin’s top tier propagandists – on russia state TV 1. This guy is Putin’s. Absolutely no way that this isn’t a fishing expedition IMO.

    I think that it also very strongly suggests that Putin thinks there is a major threat very close at hand/imminent – because otherwise it would be far too dangerous to have such ideas put out into the russian information space – it’s also not the type of idea you can repeat very often so best used when there is a very real (perceived) threat.

    Will be interesting to keep an eye on russian political events in the next few weeks!

  8. Well, we have to consider that at least officially Russia aren’t at war but conducting a special military operation and the person responsible for it is Gerassimov. Putin has been very careful to make sure that the “buck doesn’t stop at his desk”. He often lets official propaganda depict him as the benign father of Russia who has to keep his military in line and focussed on the conflict in Ukraine.
    Solovyev would never, ever criticize Putin either directly or indirectly unless he was specifically instructed to do so by the Kremlin for one of their convoluted political schemes.

  9. Nope, misinterpreted due to slurred pronunciation. He said Putin must create Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (stavka), it doesn’t have anything to do with Putin’s resignation (otstavka)

  10. For everyone who thinks that he truly believes this; think again.

    For the Kremlin this is a good way to find out who agrees and wants to betray Putin. No way that the Kremlin lets one of their best propagandist say stuff like this on national television

  11. Temporary-Setting714 on

    If he’s not dead by September 30th, then I agree it’s a fishing expedition by Putin. Feel it, but for those saying otherwise..