This was slightly higher than the sill on an ordinary road car, so would slice right through a car door into your kids hip. Seems like a great idea.

Posted by sadpartypodcast


  1. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    This is illegal in victoria.

    Let the company know, inform the police, and you can also write on the company’s google page.

  2. Designer_Beyond_152 on

    Can someone explain why Truckies do this? what are they trying to gain, do they think it’s cool or something lol

  3. Pristine_Yak7413 on

    and i’ve seen a post on a different sub a few weeks ago where someone was trying to identify what these things were because one had come off some tools car and went into their tire and gave them a flat

  4. Having worked on trucks for years i can tell you they’re chrome plated plastic or half millimetre thick stainless steel and are held on by a light crimp or some tape wrapped around the wheel nut. They’re not going to slice through a paper box let alone a car door.

  5. The chariot scene from Gladiator comes to mind.

    Chariot black chick falls off, gets up.
    Semi spike wheels cut her in 2

  6. That’s illegal

    Make a report to transport authority, and police.

    In the Australian state of Victoria, fitting vehicles with “any protruding object that is likely to increase the risk of bodily injury” is punishable with an AU$379 fine, and wheel spikes may also increase the width of a vehicle beyond the legal limit of 2.5 meters (8.2 feet