It even has a centerfold

Posted by Zardotab


  1. Selling Trump-branded bibles with his name on the front should be considered an act of sacrilege.

    Republicans have polluted religion in America. No wonder so many people are fleeing the church.

  2. declinedinaction on

    “And they shall know the anti-Christ by his mark—which is themselves. They are the mark.”

  3. Specialist_Lock8590 on

    Does anyone think Republican “Christians” are able to read or understand the Bible, a newspaper, a history book, a real television news program . . .

  4. Well, at least there’s good news. End times prophecies typically come true, but only for the people who believe them. This may indeed by a sign of the Christian end times. Which means we may see a post-Christian world within our lifetime.

  5. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    The next edition he releases will have Jesus replaced with Trump throughout.

    But he won’t die, he will vanquish the Roman deep state and Make Israel Great Again.

  6. king_of_the_nothing on

    It all works out!

    Harold Camping read all of the prophecies and determined that the Rapture would happen in October 2007. The Christians deny it happened because they didn’t get Raptured up…. but if you think you are a chosen one, then you are not humble before God.

    Then we had the 7 years of Tribulations – the Obama Administration.

    Now we are in the time of the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns…. the reason Trump combs his hair that way is to hide the horns.