Ukrainian life is not a computer game. There is no “Save” button. Mistakes are not a lost level, but destroyed lives. Every day we lose our loved ones, and Russian missiles continue to destroy our homes. Is it possible to stop this? Of course it is!

Posted by Confident_Weight_475


  1. The sad truth is, a lot of people are treating this war like a spectator sport. They support the russians because that’s where their blind team allegiance lies.

    No, this is no spectator sport. Your team allegiance doesn’t effing matter. russia is wrong to invade Ukraine and therefore it must be defeated to right the wrong. It would be so wrong to let russia get away with this.

    When the team you’ve always supported does anything so wrong, you switch your allegiance to support the other team. It really is that simple.

  2. Sea-Direction1205 on

    The war in Ukraine is the next episode in the Borderlands sequel.

    Ukraine actually means “borderland”.

  3. Creative-Loveswing on

    I am Spamming the fuck out of X until 1/4 of my missiles are gone, now I’m looking at what targets are left and prioritizing them and spamming X again. Get it done, stop playing touch butt with these fucking animals

    Not gonna be good when you have legit Russian Nazis roaming your land committing the worst of the worst war crimes to your people. Look at the Ukraine POW that just came home that couldn’t talk or speak. Imagine what that brave kid just went through. Fuck that play time is over

    send them like 300 more bradleys to man we’ll be just fine. still got like 2200 or something left.