Govt receiving regular updates from Irish troops in Lebanon amid fears of ‘all-out war’

Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. Important_Farmer924 on

    r/Ireland needs to decide which side it’s cheering for so we can prepare horsey in advance.


  2. Israel are out of control at this stage, clearly abandoned ceasefire talks because they want to extend this conflict.

  3. TaxImpossible2434 on

    We saw recently just how close the Israelis came to blowing an apc now the situation is worse

  4. WraithsOnWings2023 on

    There’s nothing peacekeepers can do as long as Israel is intent on starting a regional war. They have been trying their best to drag Lebanon and Iran into a conflict so the US will intervene. 

    The apprehension of the Hezbollah leadership is the only thing preventing a broader conflict and that’s why they are being targeted. Once the younger lads take charge all bets are off. 

    Netanyahu is in serious trouble once the war ends, so he’ll do whatever it takes to make it last indefinitely. 

    It’s time to get the troops out of there before things get really bad. 

  5. Hour_Mastodon_9404 on

    If there’s any justice in the world, all of this will backfire spectacularly in the Israelis faces. It won’t of course, because Uncle Sam will bail them out of any hole they dig themselves into.

  6. Think it’s time to bring the lads and lasses home, no point putting them in harms way when peace is no where in sight and given the recent close calls already suffered it ain’t fair on them. They are not being respected.

  7. SoftDrinkReddit on

    i think it’s pretty damn clear we need to get our guys out of the Lebanon

    all Out War between Israel and Hezbollah is inevitable over 350 people have been killed in Lebanon today

  8. Dumbirishbastard on

    I think the peacekeeping force should be reinforced, honestly. Hopefully by another country with enough firepower to actually deter Israel and Hezbollah.
    At the least, a UN force establishing a humanitarian zone would save civilian lives, of they’re unable to halt the fighting.
    I understand the wish to bring the troops home, but situations like this are the very reason why they’re there.

  9. ![gif](giphy|3tWbUM7Zkvuxy)

    Irish troops sending their updates… aware that Ireland has neither the capability, weapons nor aircraft to go in and extract them if necessary.