"This secret is not only valid for the public and the opposition. According to reports, a public institution wanted to invite presidential advisors to a meeting it was holding in recent months and asked for a list of their names. They were not given a list either. Even those who made the program are in shock.

It is claimed behind the scenes that, excluding the offices, presidencies and affiliated institutions in the Presidency, there are 40 people in the chief advisor cadre and another 40 in the advisor cadre. It is said that chief advisors receive salaries equal to the highest civil servant and some of them have double salaries as board members. In addition, there are a total of 80 members in 9 policy boards. However, some of these members only participate in meetings and work from the outside."


Sarayın kadrosunda kaç kişinin olduğu, kaç başdanışman ve danışman olduğu hala sır.
byu/a_e_i inTurkey

Posted by a_e_i


  1. Buna siyaset biliminde “klientalizm” denir, toplumun belli kesimlerine kadro, peşkeş, ihale yoluyla halkın parasını kullanarak siyasi destek devşirsin, o tarikat liderinin oğlu, şu başhekimin kızı fark etmez, herkese bir meme bağlarsın. Bu da hem seçim başarısı hem de yedi sülalene servet aktarımı olarak geri döner. Rahmetli Demirel bu işin piri idi, malum şahsım ise kulağı geçen boynuz kıvamında maaşallah!