Our car got broken in by the to upstanding citizen in balaklava. Does he have something in his hand that helped him break in or did we forget to lock the car?

Posted by NSFWar


  1. It looks like he tries the first car and see if it’s unlocks, then tries the same with your car and succeeds.

    Lock your car next time.

  2. Based on my knowledge and the video I am confident in saying you left your car unlocked. The first light is from him unlocking his phone and the second light from the back of the device is him turning his torch on.

    Devices that can unlock a car like this do exist but it isn’t an instant thing, usually takes a few minutes minimum, this guy just walked straight up and tried your door handle and lucked out.

  3. He was just trying doors to see if they are unlocked, which is why he tried the car across the road first.

    You left the car unlocked; not even a skilled hacker or lockpicker can get into something that fast.

  4. Considering he checked the other car first and walked away when it didn’t open, I would say you left it unlocked.

  5. Others have already pointed out what is readily apparent in the video (the guy was checking for unlocked cars and found yours).

    If you do make an insurance claim. Be mindful you have now uploaded evidence to the internet and the internet is forever.